IPPSA is very pleased to announce that the program will feature:
A Fireside Chat on Canadian Political and Regulatory Climate
The Right Honourable Stephen J. Harper
22nd Prime Minster of Canada
The Right Honourable Jean Chrétien
20th Prime Minster of Canada
Opening Keynote Address
Honourable Nathan Neudorf
Minister, Affordability and Utilities, Government of Alberta
Alberta’s electricity market is undergoing significant design changes. Looking back at IPPSA conference headlines over the past 30 years, it is easy to observe that change is the rule not the exception. However, the current market redesign represents the most consequential since the market was competitively restructured in the 1990s. Many of our member companies, in addition to customers, are anxious to understand the impact of the combined changes to the energy market and power system operations. Join us for Canada’s premier annual electricity conference where we will convene nationally and internationally renowned speakers to discuss, “If they build it, who will come?”
This conference sold out early in 2024 – please book now to secure your spot.